Choosing a platform: advantages and disadvantages of chatbots

When answering the question of why I should do a millionth shopping list app I gathered the main requirements it must satisfy to cover my use case: multi-platform – I should be able to use it on any device, including mobile and desktop interactive – users can edit items and lists, change their status, hide done items, keep track of several contexts, etc. fast – the app should load fast to decrease cognitive resistance and load...

2021-11-22 · 4 min

Start any project with 'Why?' and 10 questions to do it

Before starting any project, even a small personal one, it’s important to start with its ‘why?’. There are several reasons for that. First, generally speaking, for every project you need to answer three questions: why, what, and how. It is always better to start with ‘why’ because while answering it you will better define its requirements, scope, features, etc. (‘what’ of a project) and without that, it will be difficult to work on ‘how’....

2021-10-18 · 7 min